On line consulting


S I B O A V I S T A has developed an online service that provides online assistance regarding management problems through an experienced team of consultants.

To industrial and commercial companies, in any field, it works:
- as a support for everyday management
-as a consultancy for specific problems

Requests can be made about Organisation, Company Reorganizations, Business Process Reengineering, Strategies, Controlling, Enterprise Finance, Budget and Reporting, Economical /financial operations, Company operations (transfer, buyout, merge, conversion, division), Company Takeover, International agreements with particular regards to the African Continent.

The company that decide to take advantage of this service should fill out the following form describing the problem and the question. Within 24 ours S I B O A V I S T A will communicate to the customer: - ANSWERING TIME (from 1 to 3 days) - COST OF THE SERVICE

The customer can then decide:
a) to make use of the service. In this case the customer will pay the costs involved (by the means included in the contract) and the service will be provided in the stated terms and within the time specified. If the customer needs additional deepening or discussion of the matter, he can asked to be called by phone by a S I B O A V I S T A consultant without extra charge. For complex questions, that can be difficult to be discussed by phone, S I B O A V I S T A will require to the customer a not bounding meeting within the Company itsef.
b) to not make use of the service. If S I B O A V I S T A does not receive any acceptation by the customer within 10 days from the request, the request will be cancelled.

Possibility to request a service at any time;
No waste of time;
Fast problem solving;
Fast and easy service from any foreign country.

Online services provided by S I B O A V I S T A will be charged to the customer.The ANSWERING TIME and COSTS OF THE SERVICE will be communicated to the customer according to the S I B O A V I S T A transparency and correctness policy. Service cost is evaluated considering the complessity of the problem and the time necessary to solve it. Quality of the service is guaranteed by the fact that the solutions are always provided by S I B O A V I S T A professional and experienced consultants.