On this first stage of enterprising, S I B O A V I S T A can help you providing you with step by step indications about the process to carry out. The feasibility study is aiming to predict (verify in advance) the concreteness of a business idea, the real possibilities to reach the target (financial or other) and, most important, the fastest and most secure way to fulfill your business expectations. This can happen only relating the necessary costs to fund the enterprise - investments and current expenses – with the scheduled payoffs. The feasability study could be very usefull also to convince third subjects (associates, financial partners, business partners or co-workers) about the effectiveness of your business idea. Nobody in fact is willing to risk its money, its work or “simply” its business reputation just trusting your words, no matter how good they sound. Everybody needs facts. The first thing that a start up need to take into account is the time factor. Any enterprise, in fact, requires different timing before the initial investments could be recovered. This means that is most important to define an economic budget: how much money you need starting, how much will be spent and how much you will earn (=profits). To define the budget is the most important part of the feasibility study. This is the initial analysis that will verify that the resources involved in the investment will be profitable or not avail. From the results of the initial analysis will be possible to verify if there are margins for the enterprise involved, to identify the target market at the moment and which other markets there could be in the near future, to determine how to reach the target market and how much it will cost, to select the correct instruments to reach the target, to quantify the costs of effectively hitting the market. The feasibility study include the following elements: Analysis of the sales business needs; Definition of the target to be reached; Definition of the possible results achievable; Assessing the resources necessaries to achieve the expected results; Definition of the timing and instruments necessaries to achieve these results At the end of this process, that will include at least two meetings with a company manager, it will be produced the document with the complete analysis; this analysis could be discussed with the company management at that moment or after, or simply by e-mail. This last option will be very suitable for analysis of enterprises located worldwide. In details, our company provides feasibility studies mainly in the following fields: Turism Agriculture Commerce Services Real Estate Substantially, the feasibility study should be the base to start for the realization of the business idea, because only if the field of operation is suitable it would be possible to proceed with the operative analysis. The feasibility study is, therefore, a preparatory step to all the operative steps involved in the investments. If companies understand this, they will operate making the most out of the investment. In fact, the feasibility study can decrease the amount of the uncertain factors of the business plan and provide the instruments to deal with the complexity of a business plan, thus decreasing the investment risks. The S I B O A V I S T A realizes feasibility studies in order to make the implementation of a business plan convenient, by featuring the suitability of the business plan to the targets, by quoting the costs for implants and balance, and by highlighting and evaluating the risks related with the business plan. In a technical-engineering environment, the necessity of a feasibility study grows when is present a business plan in which finance, complessity, difficulties about requirements and possible alternatives make it necessary to deepen the knowledge before realization, in order to avoid the risk of an unsuccessful investment. A feasibility study therefore is always related to an existing business idea, that includes the essential elements for the project definition and operation areas, the main scheduled measures to be taken, and a preliminary definition of the project. The aim of the feasibility study is to concretise the project and to supply all the elements for the starting of operations, developing which was at first just a business idea. Through the feasibility study will be defined the contents, services, components, efforts, risks and costs involved, as well as the elements of control that will allow the reduction of the risks itselves. The feasibility study can represent an essential instrument in the decision making process of the investment, helping to target the projects suppling a global view of the actions, defining expected objectives and profits, setting the amount of costs to be expected and therefore producing a reference for the project management and the analysis of results. Finally: to evaluate technical, financial and economical investments and analize the economical/financial feasibility of a business project is becoming strategic to detect in advance the conseguences of business operations. Today market does not forgive errors, and competition is always there to take advantage of errors.
- Investments analysis
- Economical /financial analysis and feasibility studies
- Company appraisals
- Studies for Exchange quotations